Once, in a small village nestled at the foot of a great mountain, there lived a young monk named Tenzin. Tenzin was a curious soul, always seeking the deeper meanings of life and the universe. One summer evening, after a long day of meditation and chores at the monastery, he wandered into a nearby meadow to watch the stars.
As Tenzin sat in the quietude of the night, a small flicker of light caught his eye. It was a lightning bug, glowing brilliantly in the darkness. Mesmerized, he watched as the tiny creature blinked on and off, illuminating the space around it in brief but beautiful bursts of light.
In that moment, Tenzin had an epiphany. He realized that our lives, much like the lightning bug’s glow, are mere flashes of light against the vast canvas of the universe. He pondered how humans often become trapped in routines, conditioned by societal norms and expectations, losing sight of the wonder and adventure that life has to offer.
Tenzin thought about the teachings of the Buddha and how they emphasized mindfulness and living in the present moment. He reflected on the importance of breaking free from the illusions of control and predictability, and embracing the unpredictability and beauty of existence.
Inspired by the lightning bug, Tenzin decided to share his realization with the villagers. He gathered them and began to speak:
“Dear friends, watching a lightning bug glow bright on a summer night, I realized that our lives are mere flashes of light against the canvas backdrop of an infinitely empty universe. As humans, we become so conditioned to routines, controls, and predictable repetition. Sometimes we forget that we are born to explore this earth and not just endure it.
The controls society has in place are merely illusionary dogma, created to condition us into being ‘normal,’ manipulating us into following the mind-numbing herd of humanity. Remember, this is your life to live; live it. Don’t be afraid to color outside the lines every once in a while. Create your own footsteps on the earth and leave your own handprints on the walls.
Every day contains a universe of potential; exhaust it. Live and love so immensely that when death does come knocking, there is nothing left for him to take. Your bags are packed. Your soul is ready to depart and move on to whatever experience awaits, just beyond the mysterious misty portal of our next life.”
The villagers listened intently, their hearts and minds opening to the wisdom Tenzin shared. From that day forward, they began to see their lives as precious and fleeting moments of light, embracing each day with a sense of adventure and gratitude. They no longer feared stepping outside the bounds of societal expectations and instead, they lived with purpose and joy, creating their own unique paths.
And so, the village flourished with newfound energy and creativity, each person shining brightly, just like the lightning bug on that summer night.
“Watching a lightning bug glow bright on a summer night, I realized that our lives are mere flashes of light against the canvas backdrop of an infinitely empty universe. As humans, we become so conditioned to routines, controls and predictable repetition. Sometimes we forget that we are born to explore this earth and not just endure it. So many controls society has in place, are merely illusionary dogma, created to condition us into being “normal”; manipulating us into following the mind numbing herd of humanity. Remember this is “your” life to live; live it. Don’t be afraid to color outside the lines every once and a while. Create your own footsteps on the earth and leave your own hand prints on the walls. Remember that every day contains a universe of potential; exhaust it. Live and love so immensely that When death does comes knocking, there is nothing left for him to take. Your bags are packed. Your soul is ready to depart and move on to whatever experience is awaiting, just beyond the mysterious misty portal of our next life.” David Scott
“Live your life from your heart. Share from your heart. And your story will touch and heal people’s souls.” – Melody Beattie
“Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle.” Jules Robson
“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” Buddha
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place your soul has to live.”
“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” Mahatma Gandhi
“Work hard to keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water.” – David Scott
“He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.” – Arabian proverb
“Your body will be around a lot longer than that expensive Hermes or Louis Vuitton handbag. Invest in yourself.”
You are what you eat… Every 28 days your skin replaces itself. Your liver, 5 months. Your bones, 10 years. Your body makes these new cells from the food you eat. What you eat literally becomes you. You get a fresh canvas every 28 days. You have a choice in what you are made of!
“Quiet the mind, so the soul can speak.” –
“When you can’t find the light, don’t curse the darkness but become the light.” – David Scott
“The biggest communication problem is that we do not listen to understand, we listen to reply.”
“Be careful how you are talking to yourself, because you are listening. Never give the power of your happiness to someone else. Only you control your mind and determine just how happy you will be through your thoughts.” – David Scott
“A healthy outside starts from the inside.” Robert Urich
Doctors won’t make you healthy. Nutritionists won’t make you slim. Teachers won’t make you smart. Gurus won’t make you calm. Mentors won’t make you rich. Trainers won’t make you fit. Ultimately, you have to take responsibility. Save yourself. Naval Ravikant
“The body is a self-healing organism, so it’s really about clearing things out of the way so the body can heal itself.” Barbara Brennan
Awareness is the first step in healing
“Every step taken in mindfulness brings us one step closer to healing ourselves and the planet.” Thich Nhat Hanh
“Letting go is the hardest asana. Let go of the past and past will let go of you.”
“Normalcy is not interesting. Normalcy is something that is declared, for it does not exist.” – David Scott
“Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.” – Joseph Addison
“The answers you seek never come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still.”
“The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn” – Scottish classical guitarist David Russell
“To trust God in the light is nothing, But trust him in the dark. That is Faith.” -C.H. Spurgeon
Choose one…
“May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been, the foresight to know where you’re going and the insight to know when you’re going too far.” Irish Blessing
“May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.” – Irish Blessing